Report an Absence

Every Day Counts!

Attending school regularly helps children feel better about school and themselves. Absences and tardiness impact the whole classroom. We love our Geckos and want them here everyday to be a part of our community and to learn all that they need to be successful!


Please send in documentation of student absences using the School Absence Form on the AISD website or may also be uploaded to the AISD school absence form or sent to
We do not accept phone calls or voicemail messages as documentation for a student's absence. Even with a note, not all absences are excused. Family travel and family personal days are not excusable absences. As a courtesy, you can email your class teacher letting them know you are out of school. 

Attendance is taken daily at 10:30.  If your child is not at school by that time they will be marked absent. If you attend a medical appointment and provide a note from the doctor, it will not be counted as an absence. 

Early Arrival

Students may start arriving at school at 7:15. They will go to the playground unless it is raining they will proceed to the cafeteria.

Late Arrival

A student is tardy if they are not with their homeroom teacher when the 7:40 bell rings. If you arrive late to school, your student will be required to come to the office for a tardy slip before going to class. A parent/guardian will be required to come into the office to sign their student in late.

Early Pick up

If you need to pick up your child during the day, you must come to the front office with your picture ID. If possible let the teacher know that your child will be missing part of the day. We will call your child to the office. Give yourself ample time for us to get your child checked out and for us to locate them and get them to the office. This process could take up to 15 minutes. We do not allow pick up 30 minutes before the end of the school day as this disrupts the flow of dismissal. If your child comes or goes during the middle of the day for a medical appointment, a doctor's note needs to be presented upon arriving back at school. Plan on picking up before 2:40 pm for afternoon appointments. Parents arriving after 2:40 to pick up students may need to wait until dismissal at 3:10.

Neftali Esquivel Contreras Attendance Specialist | 512-414-2039 (office)

For more information visit the district's attendance page